Inoscorpi Middle East & North Africa (MENA)

It is a sterile, highly purified lyophilized preparation of equine F(ab´) inmunoglobulin fragments neutralizing with high specificity the venoms.
Is a polivalent equine antivenom specifically indicated for the treatmentof Middle East and North African Scorpion stings.

- Androctonus amoreuxi, Androctonus australis, Androctonus bicolor, Androctonus crassicauda, Androctonus mauritanicus, Buthus mardochei, Buthus occitanus, Buthus tunetanus, Leiurus quinquestriatus quinquestriatus and Leiurus quinquestriatus hebraeus.
What is the compositión of InoscorpiTM MENA?
InoscorpiTM MENA is made of antibodies specifically targeting the most dangerous scorpion species of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. InoscorpiTM MENA is a polyvalent antivenom because it covers several scorpion species.
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InoscorpiTM MENA is composed of equine derived antibodies or immunoglobulin fragments F(ab’)2, which have been raised against the venoms of medically relevant scorpion species of the MENA region.
What are the species covered by InoscorpiTM MENA?
InoscorpiTM MENA protects against the envenomation of the most dangerous scorpion species of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The following medically relevant species are covered:
Androctonus amoreuxi, Androctonus australis, Androctonus bicolor, Androctonus crassicauda, Androctonus mauritanicus, Buthus mardochei, Buthus occitanus, Buthus tunetanus, Leiurus quinquestriatus hebraeus and Leiurus quinquestriatus quinquestriatus.
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Overall, with 10 species, InoscorpiTM MENA provides a large coverage of medically relevant scorpion species in MENA region.
What are the specificities of Inosan Biopharma antivenoms?
Inosan Biopharma antivenoms have been designed to offer the best protection against the most medical relevant scorpion species and also the best safety to patients thanks to a high quality manufacturing process.
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- Inosan Biopharma antivenoms are polyvalent and cover most species that are medically relevant for a given region. Venoms used for the immunization process come from species representative of the regions the antivenoms are intended for.
- Inosan antivenoms are made of highly specific F(ab’)2 (1), meaning that there is a high proportion of effective F(ab’)2capable to specifically bind to the toxic components of the venoms and neutralize them. Thanks to its high specificity, Inosan antivenoms can include more species in one vial with less proteins.
- Inosan Biopharma antivenoms are highly purified with F(ab’)2 level reaching 95%(1). They have a low protein level (<10%, no more than 100 mg of protein per mL in the resuspended product) and are preservatives free.
What is the efficacy profile of InoscorpiTM MENA?
InoscorpiTM MENA has been used in more than 10 countries so far(2). The clinical experience indicates that InoscorpiTM MENA is rapidly effective in restoring envenomation signs induced by scorpion stings.
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The clinical efficacy profile of Inoscorpi™ MENA has not been evaluated in a dedicated clinical study so far. By neutralizing the toxic components of scorpion venom, InoscorpiTM MENA has the ability to rapidly control envenomation signs which may include local pain, fever, digestive disorders (nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, diarrhea), neurological disorders (somnolence, agitation, fasciculation of the stung limb, hypersalivation, convulsion, coma), cholinergic syndrome (vomiting, salivation, heavy sweating, tearing, miosis, priapism, bronchial disease, bradycardia), adrenergic storm (tachycardia, peripheral vasoconstriction, arterial hypertension, mydriasis), cardiac disorders and respiratory disorders.
What is the safety profile of InoscorpiTM MENA?
InoscorpiTM MENA has been used in more than 10 countries so far. The clinical experience indicates that InoscorpiTM MENA is very well tolerated. When occurring, adverse events are usually of mild intensity and resolve spontaneously or with treatment.
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The clinical safety profile of InoscorpiTM MENA has not been evaluated in a dedicated clinical study so far. The administration of equine origin F(ab´)2 fragments may be associated with allergic reactions including sweating, nausea, rashes, modest fall in blood pressure; these reactions are generally of mild intensity. Anaphylactoid reactions with hypertension, dyspnea, urticaria, Quincke’s edema or severe allergic shock may also occur. However, the actual generalized allergic shock only appears in an exceptional manner. In this case it is recommended to immediately suspend the infusion and to administer corticosteroids, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, as well as any therapy that the healthcare provider deems appropriate. Similar reactions to serum sickness have been described after the administration of origin proteins that may appear roughly 6 days after treatment onset. The clinical signs are fever, pruritus, erythema or urticaria, adenopathy and arthralgias. However, these types of reactions are observed in less than 1% of the patients who are given equine origin F(ab´)2 fragments.
What is the recommended dosage of InoscorpiTM MENA?
InoscorpiTM MENA has been used in more than 10 countries so far. The clinical experience indicates that InoscorpiTM MENA is very well tolerated. When occurring, adverse events are usually of mild intensity and resolve spontaneously or with treatment.
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InoscorpiTM MENA should be administered intravenously through slow direct injection or infusion. It is recommended to evaluate the patient every 2 hours after the initial administration and to renew administration (1 vial) as long as symptoms persist or are getting worse. A larger number of vials might be administered depending on the severity of the envenomation and the general condition of the patient.
Are there any contraindications for the use of InoscorpiTM MENA?
People who are allergic to equine origin proteins or to excipients contained in the product should not be administered the antivenom.
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Due to the fatal risk associated with envenomation, the antivenom may be dispensed in the specific population of patients allergic to equine origin proteins, provided that treatment for anaphylactic shock can be implemented immediately.
Are there any specific recommendations for the use of InoscorpiTM MENA in children?
Dosage should be the same for adults and children, irrespective of weight, because the same quantity of venom is injected.
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Envenomation in children generally leads to more severe symptoms and a higher rate of lethality and sequelae. This is due to their small body weight and volume that lead to a lower dilution of venom.
What are the the instructions for the storage of InoscorpipTM MENA?
Inosan Biopharma antivenoms are lyophilized and can be stored at room temperature up to 30°C with excursions up to 40°C for reduced periods.
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Inosan Biopharma antivenoms are lyophilized, this makes the management of the antivenom very convenient and inexpensive compared to liquid presentations, particularly in tropical regions.
Is the manufacturing process of InoscorpiTM MENA GMP certified?
The manufacturing process of Inosan Biopharma antivenoms complies with the highest GMP standards especially with regards to batch reproducibility and product stability.
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Inosan Biopharma maintains GMP certification at all times from COFEPRIS, the Mexican agency, recognized by the WHO, for the qualification of manufacturers of vaccines and biological products. In addition, Inosan follows the guidelines for the manufacturing of antivenom products established by the WHO.
For more information, please contact:
(1) Martinez et Al. Preclinical evaluation of the polyspecific antivenom InoserpTM PAN-AFRICA against the venoms of elapids and viperids of sub-Saharan Africa region: neutralization of toxic activities. World congress of IST 2019.
(2) Mathé et Al. A new generation of F(ab’)2 antivenoms made of highly purified and specific immunoglobulin fragments. Venoms Toxins 2020.
(3) Chippaux et Al. Snakebites in Cameroon: Evaluation of snake antivenom in Africa (ESAA) and real life conditions. Venom Week 2022.
(4) Potet et Al. Reviewing evidence of the clinical effectiveness of commercially available antivenoms in sub-Saharan Africa identifies the need for a multi-centre, multi-antivenom clinical trial. PLOS NTD 2019.
(5) Chippaux et Al. Evaluation of a new polyvalent antivenom against snakebite envenomation (Inoserp® Panafricain) in two different epidemiological settings: Northern Benin and Maritime Guinea]. Médecine et Santé Tropicales 2015.